Sunday 12 July 2020


Garuda releases his mother from slavery and becomes the mount of Lord Vishnu

Garuda was the son of sage Kashyap and one of his better halves named Vinata. Throughout the churning of the milk ocean, Uchaishrava; the seven-headed white horse got here out of the ocean along with the nectar and others. Vinata and her co-wife Kadru had a bet at the shade of the horsetail. Kadru claimed the tail of the pony to be black and ordered her sons to coil around the tail in the form of black hair. All the snakes refused to obey their mother Kadru, however, her son Karkotaka agreed and observed his mom’s command. the challenge was once to verify whether the tail shade was black or not. Kadru tricked Vinata in one of these ways and defeated her in the challenge. The stake was that whoever lost would become a slave to the winner. As a result, Vinata became the slave of Kadru.

Garuda became a great bird with wonderful strength and potential. He became fierce similar to the fire god and was huge adequate to block out the solar god. Vinata became amused by seeing the strength of her son. but being a slave to Kadru, she had to comply with all her commands. Garuda used to carry his mother VinataKadru, and all her sons on his shoulder and travel everywhere.

(Please check the below video👇 in Hindi)

One day out of curiosity he requested his mom, cause for which he needed to obey the snakes’ orders constantly. saddened Vinata defined to her son regarding the task which Kadru had won by tricks with the help of her son and made Vinata her slave. Hearing this from his mother unhappy Garuda went to the snakes and discussed a method to release his mother from slavery. To be able to put an end to slavery, the snakes asked Garuda to bring nectar for all of them. After taking the permission of his mother, he went on searching for the nectar. His force and looks frightened Indra. he along with different deities was shielding the nectar. They got here to comprehend Garuda's purpose of stealing the nectar from Brihaspati. All the gods began the battle in opposition to him. Garuda fought courageously and defeated all of them.

Then he reached the nectar and saw it was surrounded by way of a destructive blazing fire. he created eight thousand hundred faces in his body and collected water from the river in all his mouth and extinguished the fire. Then he located out nectar that was blocked thru an iron wheel inclusive of sharp-looking blades that were rotating continuously. Garuda then narrowed his body and entered through the wheel gap. Deadly snakes were hiding under the wheel at that time guarding the nectar. He attacked those poisonous snakes, crushed the wheel, killed the snakes, took the nectar flew away. Garuda in no way wished to drink the nectar by himself.

On his way to earth, he met with lord Vishnu. being impressed thru chivalry Garuda, Lord Vishnu desired to grant him boons. Consequently, Garuda requested,

“Lord! I wish to become your mount. without even eating the nectar, I may live immortal. lord granted the boons and left. Whilst returning to earth, Indra attacked Garuda with his vajra; Tibetan, a weapon of the thunder deity king Indra. it did no longer damage him at all. Out of admiring within the route of the weapon, Garuda dropped certainly one of his feathers somewhere no person could discover it. he was named ‘suparna’ there, the bird who has beautiful feathers. Seeing the magnificent bird, Indra offered him his eternal friendship.

For the reason that Garuda by no means wished to consume the Amrit thru himself, Indra requested him to return the nectar to him, as the snakes could harm absolutely everyone after consuming it. Garuda agreed and instructed Indra, to take it back as soon as the nectar would be placed by him in front of the snakes.

Happy Indra agreed and granted him a boon that he would devour the snakes as his meals. Garuda reached near the snakes, as promised placed the pot on the grass, and requested them to carry out certain non-secular rites before drinking the nectar. Snakes according to the circumstance relieved his mother from slavery and went to function rituals. Without delay, Indra reached there and took away the container. after coming back, snakes located droplets of elixir on the grass and started licking it off, which made their tongues split into two.

Later as promised to lord Vishnu, Garuda became his mount or Vahan of him and also stayed as an enemy of snakes.

Ref: Mahabharata book Adi Parva

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