Sunday 20 December 2020


Adrika gives birth to Satyavati 

Satyavati was the wife of King Shantanu of Hastinapur. and the mother of Vyasa, Chitrangada, and Vichitravirya. Here in this blog publish I will tell you all about the birth of Satyavati from King Uparichara Vasu and a Cursed Apsara named Adrika. Before jumping into the story, first, let me inform you about the Great religious King Uparichara Vasu who was born to King Krtaka of the Kuru dynasty. He was once named Upari-chara because of the flying chariot that was given to him via God Indra with the commitment of Indra's eternal friendship and tremendous bliss in heaven for his high-quality devotion towards him.  Out of Indra's grace, he became the king of Chedi. King Uparichara once had noticed the mountain Kolahala attacking the river Suktimati near his capital and had kicked and split the mountain to enable the river to pass through. From the union of That mountain and river, a boy and a girl were born. The boy later emerged as the commander in chief of King Uparichara and the female named Girika was married to King Uparichara.

(Please check the below video👇 in Hindi)

One day Girika with the intention of conceiving a son expressed her desire to the king. On the same day, the king's ancestors also asked the king to go on hunting wild animals. King's mind used to be completely occupied with the thoughts of his appealing wife Girika. Being obliged to his seniors, the king went to the forest, roamed everywhere, sat near the peaceful Ashoka or saraca asoca Tree, and was mesmerized by its aromatic flowers. That time his seeds fell which he gathered on a leaf with an intention of now not wasting it. He observed a hawk near his flying chariot or Viman and asked him to carry the semen to his spouse Girika. On his way, the hawk confronted another hawk who had mistaken the leaf of semen to be a piece of meat. Both of them fought. The semen fell into the river Yamuna where a stunning Apsara named Adrika used to be residing as a fish after being cursed by Lord Brahma.

That fish engulfed the semen of the king. Later some fishermen caught that fish in their net and found two human infants in its belly. That very moment Apsara Adrika was relieved from her curse of being a fish. Lord Brahma had already cited Apsara Adrika earlier that she would once more turn out to be Apsara after giving birth to the human children. Therefore she got back to her original form of Apsara and returned to heaven.

Fishermen informed the king about that fish from which they had obtained two children. King Uparichara after listening to this took the boy and raised him in his kingdom. That boy-child grew to become a pious king named Matsya of the Matsya kingdom. The lady toddler who was also born to the fish used to be having the body odour of fish, subsequently, the king gave her to the fisherman named Dasaraj to take care of her. She was named Satyavati due to the fact of her truthfulness and courteous nature. She was additionally recognized as 'Matsyagandha'.

Ref: Mahabharata book Adi Parva

You can also find how was Satyavati capable to let her body odour of fish go away via a boon in the below publication.

Read how was Satyavati capable to let her body odour of fish go away..

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