Tuesday 11 August 2020


Fight between Sage Vishvamitra  and Vasishtha over Nandini Cow

We all recognize that Sage Vishvamitra and Vasishtha are two outstanding sages out of seven sages recognized as Saptarishis. Let me narrate to you the story of why they each fought.

Vishvamitra was the son of Gaadhi; the king of Kambyakunja. One day he went into the dense forest for hunting. He was exhausted, saw Vasishtha sage's hermitage there, and went inside. Vashistha Rishi welcomed him and out of hospitality served him food and water. Vasishtha had a Kamadhenu cow in his hermitage who used to fulfil all his needs. The cow gave milk, fruits, and a variety of scrumptious food items which had been served to Vishvamitra as well as to his ministers and other troopers at that time. They were very pleased with the service. That cow was absolutely lovely known as Nandini.

Vishvamitra wished to take her with him. So he presented Vasishtha sage with ten crore cows and his kingdom in return. Vasishtha denied it by announcing, " Nandini can't be given away in alternate for your kingdom. She stays here to serve deities, and guests, and to worship ancestors."

Vishvamitra being a Kshatriya tried to abduct the cow forcefully. In order to move her along with him, she was beaten continuously with a stick. Nandini while being tortured stood in front of Vasishtha and did not move anywhere. Vasishtha noticed her crying in ache but couldn't do anything. He was a merciful Brahmin. Nandini requested Vasishtha sage to do justice and also desired to know if the sage had already disowned her. Being a Brahmin he was unable to cease them he stated to Nandini at that time. It was against his principles. Vasishtha additionally made her conscious of her calf which was being got away forcibly by those people at that time. Vasishtha sage instructed her to stay there at the hermitage.

Nandini after listening to this became furious, her eyes became red and she began chasing after all the troopers of Vishvamitra there. She was extremely angry at that time. She created many Dravida men, Sanka, chibouka, pullinda, Chinna, and huna like many mlech humans from her body parts, urine, and cow dung as well. They all fought with Vishvamitra's soldiers and scared them away. Vishvamitra shoot Divyastra and different astras on Vasishtha however, Vasishtha peacefully returned them to Vishvamitra with his Ascetic power. Those weapons turn out to be powerless then. Being a pitiful Brahmin he defeated aggressive Kshatriya Vishvamitra there.

Let me now explain to you all how a hundred sons of Vasishtha have died.

Once there was a king in Ikshavaku named Kalmaspada(Kalmashapada). One day he went on hunting and was starving for meals and water. On his way, he reached a narrow road the place solely one person could pass on it. He noticed Shakti; the son of Vasishtha was coming there. King asked him to go away from there as he wanted to pass the road. But Shakti told him, "A truthful king needs to let a Brahmin pass by the street first"

(Please check the below video👇 in Hindi)

King did not let him go and flogged him out of anger. Shakti sage cursed him to turn out to be a man-eating demon for the reason that he was beating a Brahmin like a demon. Vishvamitra saw all these and he recognized Shakti being the son of Vashistha sage. In order to avenge, he ordered the Kinkara demon to enter King's body. The demon did so.

One day a Brahmin came to the king and asked him to organize meals for him. The demon inside the king insisted he cooked man's flesh and served it to the Brahmin. The king did this following the demon's advice and was cursed by the Brahmin that he would roam in all places on this earth in search of these kinds of food. King then lost control over all his senses and after a few days saw Shakti sage in front of him. Considering his curse to be unnecessary, he ate him like an animal. Motivated by Vishvamitra he ate all the brothers of Shakti one by one. Vasishtha came to know about the demise of all his sons. He was devastated and tried to cease his life by jumping off the Meru mountain however didn't die. Then he tried entering the fierce Dabanaala fire but didn't die there. Then he tied up his with a rope attached to a heavy stone and jumped into the sea. But the waves delivered him back to the shores.

He failed to quit his life and came back to his hermitage. He was roaming all around the mountain one day he observed him being followed by his daughter-in-law and asked her the reason. She stated to him that She was pregnant with Shakti's child and he had been practising Vedas inside her womb for twelve years. Vasishtha was joyful listening to his dynasty had now not been lost completely. So he changed his mind about dying.

I have read, later that day, on their way again to the hermitage Vasishtha found Kalmaspada. He also came to devour Vasishtha and his daughter-in-law. Vasishtha stopped him with his Vedic strength and also released the demon from his body. The king regretted his deeds and wished for a son like him. Vasishtha was therefore welcomed to his Ayodhyapuri and he blessed the queen with a baby and left for his hermitage. The child after a long time did not come out of the womb so the queen hit it with a hard rock and a boy was born out of it and he was recognized as Ashmaka.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read more about how did Sage Vasishtha help Kalmashapada to have a son


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