Saturday 8 August 2020


Dronacharya asks Ekalavya to give him his thumb

Arjun used to be the closest disciple of his guru Dronacharya. He was so fluent in archery that he used to practice archery in the dark even. Dronacharya instructed him that as an Archer no one could defeat Arjuna. He taught a variety of skills of war to all the Kauravas and Pandavas. Hence many kings and princes wished to learn from him.

One day Ekalavya; the son of a chief of the Bhil people named Hiranyadhanu came to Dronacharya to become his disciple. Since he was the son of Nishadha(jungle tribes) Drona did not accept his request. Ekalavya offered his worship to him and returned to the forest. There he made a statue of Drona out of clay, considered that his guru, and started out working towards archery. He grew to be skilful in that way of practising with all his efforts.

On one best day, all the Pandavas went hunting as per the desire of Dronacharya. A dog also accompanied them in the forest. Ekalavya was following all the Pandavas. His skin colour was black and it was dirty. He was wearing deerskin at that time and had dreadlocks on his head. Seeing a guy like this, the dog came running in his direction of him whilst barking. Ekalavya by way of showing his archery ability shot seven arrows into the mouth of the dog at a time. That dog returned to the Pandavas and all of them were astonished By finding the dog like this. They all had been ashamed of the promptness and accuracy of the individual who shot the arrows. Pandavas started praising the person and looked for him in that forest. They reached ekalavya and saw him practising archery. They could not apprehend him and asked about his identification.

(Please check the below video👇 in Hindi)

Ekalavya gave them his genuine introduction and also cited that he was a disciple of Dronacharya. Pandavas returned to Dronacharya and explained everything. Arjuna then told him privately that earlier He had stated that no one ought to defeat Arjuna in archery then how could Ekalavya become as efficient as him? Then Drona along with Arjuna went to ekalavya and observed him practicing archery constantly there.

When ekalavya saw his guru there he offered his salutations. Drona then asked him for repaying to his guru. Ekalavya gladly asked him what he required from him. Drona then asked him to give him his right thumb. Ekalavya without any second thought cut his right thumb and presented it to his guru at that time. Dronacharya was impressed with the truthfulness of ekalavya and before leaving indicated to him how to use other fingers to shoot an arrow. However, ekalavya was unable to shoot like before. 

Arjuna was pleased to see this. Dronacharya kept his word to his dearest disciple Arjuna. This was how ekalavya confirmed his dedication and repaid his guru Dronacharya. In the other Parvas, tales are there as lord Krishna killing ekalavya.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read the amazing birth stories of Dronacharya and Kripacharya..

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