Tuesday 15 December 2020


Brahma gives a boon to Sesha Naga for his forbearance nature

Lord Vishnu rests on Sesha Naga on the ocean of milk or Kshira Sagara(ocean of milk) with his consort Laxmi massaging his feet. Hence Sesha Naga is regarded as Adi Sesha or Ananta Sesha. He was the king and the eldest amongst all the snakes born to sage Kashyapa and Kadru. Sesha left his mother and went for rigid penance seeing that he did not wish to remain with his evil-minded brothers. He practised severe austerities in many Tirtha places like Badrikashrama, Gokarna, Pushkara, and The Himalayas. He lived on air and uninterruptedly contemplated for a long time with great patience.

One day Lord Brahma appeared there and wished to know the reasons behind such penance. Sesha informed him that, he was aggravated via way of his brothers preserving hatred feelings for Vinata: the other wife of Sage Kashyapa, and her son Mighty Garuda: who was also regarded as their brother. He moreover referred to lord Brahma that his brothers constantly used to find a flaw amongst themselves and by no means tolerate any type of benefits that were being given to Vinata and his son Garuda. Hence he determined to practice rigid penance.

(Please check the below video 👇 in Hindi)

Lord Brahma stated to Sesha that, because of his mother Kadru's fault all his snakes were quickly about to face a great danger, and for that, Sesha ought to not grieve. Lord Brahma was pleased with the non-secular and wise Sesha for which he wished to grant him a boon. Sesha wanted to have a peaceful mind and engross in austerities only. Considering the forbearance nature of Sesha, Lord Brahma requested him to hold the whole earth steadily and stabilize it. Sesha agreed to him and maintained the earth on his head. Since Sesha naga had already left his family, his brother Vasuki became the king of snakes.

From that time it is believed that Sesha Naga still supports the earth while residing in the lower patala.

Ref: Mahabharata book Adi Parva

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