Monday 4 January 2021


Garuda eats Supratika elephant and Vibhavasu Turtle 

As earlier I have made a post about Mighty Garuda; son of Sage Kashyapa and Vinata for relieving his mother from slavery, we all became aware of his wonderful strength. The way he had conquered deities and acquired the nectar for the snakes had made us all astounded. He used to be a magnificent and legendary bird who later was blessed by Lord Vishnu to turn out to be his Vahana. There was once an incident that took place whilst Garuda was on his way to bring Amrit or nectar from the devaloka. He had eaten one elephant named Supratika and a tortoise named Vibhavasu who had been two sage brothers in their preceding birth. Here in my post, I will share how come having aggressive greed for money created conflicts between these two brothers for which they had to be born in 'Tiryaka yonis'.

To free his mother from slavery, Garuda flew away into the sky to bring the nectar to the snakes. On his way, he met his father the incredible sage Kashyapa. Sage discussed the wellness of Garuda and his family there and Whether they were getting enough food or not. Garuda explained to him the reason behind his search for the nectar and also expressed sorrow for not having enough food. Garuda also told his father, that even after eating lots of nishadas, he was still starving and wanted extra food to have stamina till he would reach close to the nectar." Hence he requested his father for more food.

(Please check the below video👇 in Hindi)

Sage Kashyapa showed him one elephant who was dragging a turtle via its trunk whilst facing down in a close-by lake. Kashyapa then defined the story of them to his son there. Once there was an indignant sage named Vibhavasu who had a brother named Supratika. Supratika by no means wished to preserve his wealth in one place with his elder brother. He constantly used to seek partition in their wealth.

One day Vibhavasu informed his younger brother, "Many people desire for partition in their wealth out of greediness. After it is accomplished they end up being enemies and keep hatred feelings for each other. When outsiders become conscious of these egocentric dull people's conflicts they attempt to create greater disturbances whilst pretending to be their pals and also intervene in between them to extend the issues. Therefore these people who separate from each other create destruction of their own. Even wise persons in no way admire the partition between brothers due to the reality that such a way goes in opposition to the sastras' principles. (As per Sastra elder brother is similar to the father and he also needs to consider his younger brother as his son) "

After being unsuccessful in handling his own younger brother, Sage Vibhavasu cursed him to become an elephant at his next birth. Supratika also cursed him back by pronouncing that he would be born as a turtle in his next birth. Subsequently, they both were born as an elephant and a turtle who endured their conflicts from their previous birth and stayed in that lake. Whenever the elephant used to reach the lake, the turtle used to also get up after hearing its noise. Then the elephant used to stir up the total water with its trunk, tail, enamel, and legs Out of boastfulness. At that very moment turtle also was coming nearer to the elephant to fight.

The elephant was six yojanas high and twelve yojanas tall whereas the turtle was three yojans high and ten yojanas round in size. Sage Kashyapa asked Garuda to eat those two at once because they were continually involved in fighting with each other. Garuda rushed to that beautiful lake, captured the elephant and the turtle in both hands claws, and flew away in the direction of the sky. He reached the sacred area Alamba tirtha and sat on a banyan or bata brksha intending to devour both of them. However, the big branch of that tree on which the mighty Garuda stepped, was broken immediately.

Later it is referred to in the book that one sage named Balakhilya was hanging downwards from that same branch. Hence, to protect the sage from falling, Garuda held that damaged branch in his mouth and flew towards Gandhamardhana hill whilst carrying the sage alongside the elephant and the turtle. He observed his father Kashyapa there who pleased the sage Balakhilya by way of convincing him that his son had done such activity only with an intention of everyone's welfare. The sage excused Garuda and went in the direction of The Himalayas for practising austerities. Later Garuda after consulting with his father went to another mountain left that huge branch there solely and ate the elephant alongside the turtle on its peak.

Ref: Mahabharata book Adi Parva

Read about how did Garuda save his mother from slavery..

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