Thursday 30 July 2020


Sharmishtha becomes a slave to Devayani and Devayani marries King Yayati

One day Devayani; the daughter of Shukracharya along with other females was taking a bath in a forest. Sharmishtha; the daughter of Demon king Vrishaparva was there too. Indra dev took the form of wind and put together all their clothes. After coming out from the water, Devayani and Sharmishtha's clothes got swapped which led to a serious argument. Since Shukracharya was the guru of all the demons, Devayani asked Sharmishtha regardless of being a disciple of Devayani, how could she imprudently take away her clothes. Sharmishtha replied to her by saying, "Her father Vrishaparva is a king to whom courteous Shukracharya begs and worships daily. Being a princess Sharmishtha owns weapons whereas a beggar's daughter Devayani owns nothing. Sharmishtha also stated she would kick her out of there by her maids if Devayani would go against her anymore."

(Please check the below video👇 in Hindi)

Devayani proved her worth by pronouncing the fact and snatching her garments from Sharmishtha's body. Angry Sharmishtha then pushed her into a well and left that place ignoring Devayani's condition. At that time King Yayati; son of King Nahusha reached there while running after a wild animal. He was exhausted at that time. To drink the water, he looked into the well and found stunning Devayani there. They each gave each other their introduction. Then Devayani requested the noble courageous king to save her life Seeing the Brahmin daughter Devayani there, king yayati grabbed her right hand and pulled her out of the well. Since she was out of danger at that time king told her she could go anywhere freely. But Devayani answered Him that she would go away along with him solely as he had grabbed her hand. She regarded him as her husband at that time. King Yayati told her that" there must not be any relationship between them as he belongs to the Kshatriya clan whereas she is a Brahmin. "

He additionally mentioned that he was no longer a deserving individual for her as she was the daughter of respected Shukracharya.  He was afraid of such excellent sage. Devayani noted to her that after her father's approval only he would marry her. Yayati agreed and left for his kingdom at that time. 

Not seeing his daughter for a long time, Shukracharya sent Ghaya to locate her in the forest. She observed the footsteps of the females who had gone to the forest and found Devayani in grief, standing below a tree. Devayani defined her whole thing and denied going back to the city of King Vrishaparva. After hearing about his daughter's circumstances Shukracharya himself went to the forest and consoled her.

He told her, "You're the daughter of a holy Brahmin who does not beg anyone. People worship me even Indra dev, King Vrishaparva and Yayati understand my abilities. The individual who tolerates harsh statements or humiliation of others can triumph over the world. One who does yajna or havan persistently without being tired in no way gets angry. If that man or woman does now not control his temper all his yajna austerities emerge as useless. All his family abandons him forever. "

Devayani mentioned," These disciples who do not appreciate their guru should no longer be forgiven. I don't prefer staying along with these demons. Learned pundits ought to not stay with the people who criticize other's clans and keep hatred emotions for them unnecessarily. Even those who stay in relation to these sinful guys become immoral. The bitter phrases of Sharmishtha are hurting me like anything."

Enraged Shukracharya went to the palace of King Vrishaparva and demanded justice. He mentioned that the demons tried killing a saintly Brahmin Kacha; son of Brihaspati many times. Now his beloved daughter Devayani was drowned in the well and left there to be dead. He was determined to leave his palace and all the demons at that time. Vrishaparva pleaded with his guru not to do so and requested Devayani to demand something that could please her at that time. Devayani instructed the king, "Sharmishtha along with one thousand other women of his palace should stay as a slave to me, and I must marry King Yayati. " Sharmishtha agreed to her circumstance as she never wished remarkable guru Shukracharya to leave his father's palace and all the demons. She stayed as a maid of Devayani. 

After a long time while roaming around in the forest being tired again king yayati reached into the forest and noticed glamorous Devayani along with beautiful Sharmishtha and other one thousand maids. After the introduction, Devayani explained to him the motive behind making the demon king's daughter her slave along with the other one thousand maids.

Then Devayani requested him to choose her as his wife. She additionally sent Ghaya to her father Shukracharya to let him be aware of king yayati's arrival. Shukracharya regarded their understanding of his daughter's wish he released the king from the sin of marrying a Brahmin clan daughter and blessed him. He married off his daughter to King Yayati. In addition to that cited the king Sharmishtha along with the other maids would serve him too, however, he made clear not to think about giving Sharmishtha the place of his wife, not to talk to her while alone, and also not to contact her.

King Yayati agreed to Shukracharya and married Devayani. He along with Sharmishtha and other maids left for the kingdom.

Ref: Mahabharata book Adi Parva

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