Tuesday 28 July 2020


Shukracharya teaches Kacha Mrityu Sanjeevani Mantra and Devayani expresses her love for Kacha

Once upon a time to triumph over the complete universe, all the deities or Devtas and demons or Daityas started the war. All the Deities chose Brihaspati; the son of Sage Angira and the Demons chose Shukracharya as their priest or Gurus respectively. Shukracharya was regarded to be blessed with Sanjeevani Vidya by Lord Shiva. During the war, he used to bring back his disciples; the lifeless Demons to life through the power of the Mantra. The deities couldn't kill the Demons. As Brihaspati was not aware of the Mantra, all the deities sought assistance from his elder son Kacha.

(Please check the below video👇 in Hindi)

They requested him to please Shukracharya become his disciple, and learn Mrityu Sanjeevani Mantra from him. Deities additionally referred to him to amuse Shukracharya's daughter Devayani which would make it convenient for him to study the Mantra. Kacha agreed and went to the kingdom of Vrishaparva and met with Shukracharya there. After giving his perfect introduction, Kacha civilly asked for his permission to serve him as one of his disciples and practice celibacy by way of staying there with him for one thousand years. Shukracharya welcomed him with accurate grace and granted his request.

Kacha started amusing his Guru and his daughter each by means of worshipping them daily. Along with that, he entertained them by playing instruments, singing, and dancing as well. Devayani used to be young at that time. She stayed close to Kacha and also delighted him by way of singing and serving him. Hundred years passed, and the demons came to understand the plan of deities about sending Kacha to learn the Sanjeevani Mantra.

One day while Kacha was guarding the cows in the forest, demons noticed Exhausted Kacha was resting below a tree. After knowing that he was the son of Brihaspati, they slaughtered him, cut his body into parts, and fed him to the dogs. Seeing the cows returning from the forest without Kacha, Devayani anxiously requested her father about his whereabouts. Since it was too late, she suspected he was already dead. Hearing this, Shukracharya brought Kacha back to his life there with the assistance of the Sanjeevani Mantra. Kacha came out of it in shape and fine tearing off the dog’s stomach. After asking the cause for coming back so late, Kacha explained the whole thing to Devayani.

One day she asked him to bring flowers from the forest. Again daityas found him there, they crushed him and dissolved it in the sea. Being worried about Kacha, Devayani requested her father and he again brought him back to life. The third time all the demons burnt Kacha and blended his remaining ashes into the liquor and offered Shukracharya to drink it. Finding Kacha nowhere, Devayani became depressed. She requested her father again. Shukracharya knew that demons would have accomplished something wrong again. He consoled his daughter as it was worthless bringing him back to life again and again. But Devayani was devastated at that time. Out of grief, she wished to go after the same way Kacha had gone. She mentioned,

“Father! How can I stop mourning after such a celibate; the son of magnificent sage Brihaspati and the great-grandson of Ascetic Angira, who devoted his entire life to us, practised non-secular beliefs, carried out all his responsibilities, and served us.”

Shukracharya agreed with her daughter by means of saying the demons never tolerated him as his disciple for which they killed him many times. Since Brahma hatya had constantly been regarded as a huge sin, it would eliminate Shukracharya from Brahmanism. When he called on Kacha's name, he slowly answered inside his belly and elaborated the whole thing to both of them. Kacha suggested not to make him alive once more as it would kill Shukracharya.  Shukracharya knew to bring him back to his life he had to die, therefore he asked his daughter to decide. Devayani did not wish any of them to die. Having no different solution, Shukracharya requested Kacha to learn the Sanjeevani mantra inside his belly, which would keep each of them. Kacha agreed he learned the mantra and got her out of the sage’s belly by tearing it off. Then he brought back Shukracharya's life by applying the Mrita Sanjeevani mantra.

Since it all took place because of consuming the liquor, there Shukracharya declared all the Brahmins who drink liquor foolishly hereafter would be responsible for sinning. Shukracharya then explained the demons of their stupidity for killing Kacha. After completing one thousand years, Kacha took permission from Shukracharya for returning to Devloka. That time Devayani politely expressed her love for Kacha.

“oh, great-grandson of Sage Angira! The way you appreciate my father similarly I adore and worship your father Sage Brihaspati. You are glorified through your politeness, practice for austerities, and penance. You must not have forgotten the way I had served you. I love you, kindly receive me as your wife.”

Kacha rejected her proposal by saying it was unsuitable. He additionally mentioned, “Since Shukracharya is my guru, it is even inappropriate to even think about such a marriage proposal. I respect you. As I have stayed inside the belly of my guru which makes me your brother in relation. Do your responsibilities to your father and remember me. I do not have any exasperation for you in my heart. I have stayed here peacefully now allow me to leave.”

After hearing this Devayani cursed Kacha Since he did not accept her plea, his Sanjeevani Mantra vidya would never be successful.

Kacha mentioned to her that he by no means rejected her for any flaws but for being a guru daughter. Shukracharya additionally never advised him for doing such. As he did not deserve the curse, in response to that he also cursed her by way of saying, her desire would never be fruitful, and not a single Brahmin would ever marry her in her whole life. In addition, he informed her, that he would teach the Sanjeevani mantra to anyone else who would make it successful. Then Kacha left for Indralok in a hurry. He was admired by all the deities.

Ref: Mahabharata book Adi Parva

Read more about the marriage of Devayani with Kshatriya King Yayati..

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