Wednesday 5 August 2020


Curse on King Pandu and Pandavas gets Born from Deities

Pandu the king of Hastinapur, was married to Kunti in her Swayamvara. He also did second marriage to Madri. He conquered many kingdoms and expanded his empire. He was a mighty king who reestablished his superiority over all the kings. After the triumph, he left his alleviation of the palace and went to the forest with his two wives. 

One day he was roaming around the forest and he saw two deers mating there. King shot an arrow at both of them in such a condition. The male deer was in unbearable pain at that time. He was the sage Kindama who was in deer form with his wife. He mentioned to the king that he had sinned by shooting an arrow at them. Also questioned him about how could a king be so unfair. Then King Pandu denied such blame as there was no wrong for a king to kill a deer. The deer mentioned to him, "It was ok for you being a king to kill a deer but out of mercy, you could have waited until we completed making love. How could a knowledgeable fairminded king like you put an end to someone's life who would have been in such a dissatisfied state? "

The deer was a spiritual monk who had taken the shape of deer to roam in the forest peacefully along with his wife. So he cursed the king in a similar way he died there. He said, "As you were unaware of me being a sage so it wouldn't be accountable for Brahmahatya sin. But you killed us imprudently during our intercourse as a result you would die the very moment you ever try to intimate with your beloved wife in the forest."

King Pandu regretted his deeds and left the lifeless sage there. He explained everything to his other halves and requested both of them to return to Hastinapura. He was determined to practice celibacy. He decided to live the lifestyle of an Ascetic simply like his father Vyasa. He practised penance and austerities. His wives never left him. They also followed their husband's ways genuinely and dedicatedly.

King Pandu was concerned about his better halves not having any kids because of him. He couldn't attain heaven since they were childless. Hence he recommended Kunti to intimate with any Brahmin for a child. That time Kunti remembered the mantra Durvasa Rishi had given to her and she gladly informed about it to Pandu. Pandu was certain and being grateful towards Durvasa sage he asked Kunti to Do so. She cast the spell on Lord Dharma from whom she had given birth to Yudhishthira, then from Wind god she had Bhima and From Indra dev she had Arjuna. Yudhishthira was blessed to be a truthful glorious mighty king, Bhima as forceful brave strong, and Arjuna as conquering, fearless, hardworking, and prominent.

Even I have studied from the book that after the birth of Arjuna celestial announcements had been made from the sky concerning Arjuna corresponding to Lord Vishnu and also about him attaining all the expertise about weapon sastras pleasing lord Shiva in the future and killing all the demons as well. That we will discuss this later in different posts. 

After Kunti gave birth to her third son, she told Pandu that, "it is not recommended in sastras for a woman to give birth to more than three children." Madri also wished to have kids just like Kunti. With the help of Kunti, she also cast spells on deities. Madri remembered two Aswinikumars or Asvins who blessed her with twins named Nakula and Sahadeva. They were blessed with the knowledge of good looks and behaviour.

One day when Arjuna completed fourteen years of age, Kunti was busy offering food to Brahmins and worshipping them. King Pandu was roaming around the forest with Madri. They were alone and the place's atmosphere was looking stunning. Finding his beautiful wife alone there, Pandu could not control his urge of getting intimate with her. She tried resisting but was unable to do so. Just after having intercourse, he died there. Madri was devastated she was mourning loudly while hugging the dead body of her husband. Hearing this Kunti and all her sons reached there and found Pandu dead. Kunti heard everything from her and she was in a dilemma as she couldn't protect her husband from doing this. 

Both of them wished to die along with their husband. But Madri convinced her not to do so. She mentioned, "I am the reason behind my husband's death. I must die with him." She also requested Kunti to take care of her children. Madri knew Kunti was a patient person who could handle all her children. Madri considered herself to be guilty of her husband's situation hence she consoled her children and left all of them in Kunti's hands. She didn't listen to anyone and stuck to her decision then jumped into his funeral pyre as sati.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read why Kalmashapada was too restrained from Intimacy..

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