Thursday 20 August 2020


Jarasandha was named Demon Jara, His fight with Lord Krishna And Bhima killed him

I will explain in this post the birth of Jarasandha, His grudge against Lord Krishna, and Bhima killing him.

Yudhishthira determined to function rajasuya yajna. Lord Krishna counselled him To free all the kings, who had been captured via Jarasandha before. Jarasandha had to be killed. Lord Krishna told Pandavas about the birth of Jarasandha.

Once, the King of Magadha, Brihadratha got married to twin sisters however never had any child. He carried out many yajnas and havans however obtained no outcome. One day he noticed a respectable sage named Chandakaushika in his kingdom, he went to him alongside his two better halves and served him. The pleased sage wished to provide a boon to the king. King advised him about his grievances for now not having any son. Also referred to the sage that he had determined to leave the kingdom and go to the forest for non-secular practice. Sage Out of Mercy took a mango that was there on the floor and forged a spell on it and gave it to the king for getting a son. He granted eight boons for the baby so that, he would be a devotee to Brahmins, would remain unbeatable in war, usually be inclined in the direction of battles, exhibit hospitality to All the guests, be sympathetic towards poor people, grow to be mighty, unfold glory everywhere, and be beneficial to all his people.

King came back to his palace and gave the fruit to each of his wives. Both of them cut it into two pieces and consumed it. They each got pregnant and later gave birth to half of the body of a child. The baby was alive in each half. Both of the Queens got worried and determined to depart it. They threw those parts outdoors and a demon named Jara observed each half-piece. She merged each of the halves and shaped it into a baby. She could not take away the toddler as he was too heavy. All the humans heard the voice of Jara and rushed there. King could come to comprehend his half of bodied sons whom she had merged into one. He was happy and asked how could she do it.

Jara defined to the king that, Lord Brahma had created her as Griha Devi. She was destined to kill the Demons. She also cited that "if a girl with extremely good devotion draws me on her door of the house, then I will bless her with prosperity. " Likewise her picture portrait was once made on the king's palace door where it was shown as she was standing alongside many sons and additionally she was worshipped there for a long time. Hence she blessed the king to have his son. Jara requested the king to identify the toddler after her. Then the toddler was named Jarasandha. Later He was crowned as the king of Magadha.

Lord Krishna asked Yudhishthira to let Bhima fight Jarasandha in single combat. Lord Krishna along with Arjuna and Bhima went to the Magadha kingdom. They had been disguised as Brahmins and entered there. King out of hospitality welcomed them however later understood their actual forms. Krishna requested him to select anyone out of them for combat. Out of dignity, Jarasandha chose Bhima. They had a large battle that comprised grappling, joint-breaking, punching, choking, and pressure-factor striking. They sounded like two massive mountains colliding. Only Bhima could kill him. He later tore aside his physique into two portions however each of the halves was merged into one. Then outraged Bhima once more ripped his physique into two, smashed him, and killed him. Jarasandha had a son named Sahadeva, who supported Lord Krishna and other Pandavas in performing the yajna.

Let's explore why Jarasandha had grudges against Lord Krishna. Do you all know Lord Krishna couldn't defeat Jarasandha? No doubt, he could have killed him all by himself but Jarasandha was destined not to be killed by any Yadu warriors. Hence Lord Krishna decided Bhima to do the work and free the other kings from Jarasandha's captivity.

Ugrasena was the king of Mathura. Jarasandha's daughter was married to Kansa; son of Ugrasena with the condition that Kansa would become king of Mathura. Kansa put Ugrasena in prison and became king of Mathura. As Devaki was married to Vasudeva, Lord Krishna was born to them. Lord Krishna killed Kansa and crowned Ugrasena as the king of Mathura again. When Jarasandha came to know about the death of Kansa, he defeated lord Krishna and made his daughter's son the king of Mathura. He always tried to harm the Vrishni tribes from the Yaduvanshi clan people. For which the enmity between Lord Krishna and Jarasandha started.

(Please click the below video for Hindi 👇)

In Drona Parva of Mahabharata book, Lord Krishna mentioned to Arjuna about the Sarvaghaatini mace of Jarasandha which could have killed Bhima, was destroyed earlier by Lord Balarama by his Stunakarna weapon during his battle with Jarasandha. That mace not only destroyed Jarasandha's Omnidirectional mace but also pierced through the earth fell on the put of Jara, and killed her along with his kids and relatives. 

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about the Birth and Death of Shishupala..

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